Buttermilk Biscuits Recipe (2024)

Home baking brings me to the delightful buttermilk biscuit, a staple in many households and an embodiment of homely comfort food.

These biscuits hold a special place in culinary history, with roots that trace back to the Southern United States. The simplicity of the recipe belies its status as a revered kitchen classic, with each ingredient playing a pivotal role in creating the perfect rise and crumb.

The allure of the buttermilk biscuit lies not just in its flaky texture but also in its versatility. Though straightforward to make, mastering the perfect biscuit is an admirable pursuit.

Novices might find the process a bit tricky at first, but the technique becomes second nature with practice. The secret to achieving the perfect biscuit is in the delicate balance of ingredients and handling the dough with care – it’s an exercise in patience and precision.

Over the years, the buttermilk biscuit has seen numerous variations. Some prefer to add cheese, herbs, or spices to the dough, while others enjoy a sweeter version, introducing sugar or dried fruits into the mix.

However, the basic formula remains unchanged: flour, leavening agents, fat, and buttermilk. Each variation holds its own charm and caters to different palates and occasions.

It’s a recipe that can be dressed up or down, served with a lavish spread of clotted cream and jam or used as a base for a hearty biscuit sandwich. Each biscuit tells a story of where it comes from, speaking of the land, the produce, and the traditions that shaped it.

As I weigh out the flour, I’m mindful of the technique handed down through generations, aiming to honour the heritage of the biscuit.

The baking powder and soda are the risers that promise a tender rise, while the pinch of salt heightens the flavours. Working the cold butter into the dry mix, I seek the perfect breadcrumb-like consistency, which is crucial for that desirable flaky layering.

The pour of buttermilk brings it all together, adding a subtle tang and richness while activating the leavening agents.

As I knead the dough, I’m careful not to overwork it – the light touch is essential to prevent the heat from my hands from melting the butter, as that would compromise the biscuit’s delicate texture.

With each roll and cut, there’s a sense of anticipation. The biscuits take shape, ready to puff up into golden-brown rounds with the heat of the oven. And as they bake, the aroma fills the kitchen, a scent that’s both comforting and exciting.

Serving these biscuits, I’m reminded that some recipes don’t just feed the body but nourish the soul. It’s the kind of recipe that fosters connection, bringing people together over shared meals and stories.

The buttermilk biscuit, with its humble beginnings, has become a cherished element of family feasts, weekend brunches, and quiet moments with a cup of tea.

As I write this, the biscuits are cooling slightly on the tray, ready to be enjoyed. They’re a testament to the beauty of baking – a few simple ingredients, when combined with care and respect, can yield something truly extraordinary.

What Ingredients to Use & Why

Embarking on the journey of making buttermilk biscuits, I find myself reflecting on the significance of each ingredient.

Every component has a role, harmonising to create something that’s more than the sum of its parts. They work in concert to produce the biscuit’s signature texture and taste – a process I find endlessly fascinating.

Now, let me guide you through each of these essential ingredients, explaining their purpose and potential substitutions, to demystify what makes the perfect buttermilk biscuit.

All-Purpose Flour: Flour is the foundation of the biscuit, providing structure. It’s crucial for forming the gluten strands that give the biscuit its body. The all-purpose variety strikes a balance between softness and elasticity, making it ideal for biscuits that are tender yet hold their shape.

For those seeking a different nutritional profile or flavour, whole wheat flour can be an alternative, although it will result in a denser biscuit. One might also consider a gluten-free flour blend for those with dietary restrictions, keeping in mind that the texture will vary.

Baking Powder: Acting as a leavening agent, baking powder is essential for creating the rise in the biscuits.

It releases carbon dioxide when heated, which causes the dough to lift and creates the light, airy texture. Without this, the biscuits would be flat and hard. If unavailable, a mixture of cream of tartar and baking soda could be used to mimic the effect, maintaining the biscuits’ fluffiness.

Baking Soda: Baking soda also serves as a leavening agent but requires an acid to activate. In this recipe, the acid comes from buttermilk. It aids in browning and adds a distinctive tenderness to the biscuits.

For those without baking soda, using self-rising flour which already contains baking powder and salt, could be an option, although the texture might slightly differ.

Salt: Far from just enhancing flavour, salt tightens the gluten structure, making for a stronger dough that can trap the carbon dioxide bubbles produced by our leavening agents.

This ensures a good rise and also balances the richness of the butter and the tang of the buttermilk. A fine sea salt can substitute for regular salt for a more nuanced flavour profile.

Unsalted Butter: The choice of fat is pivotal. Unsalted butter allows me to control the salt content and its cold state is what contributes to the flaky layers.

As it melts in the oven, steam is released, creating pockets in the dough. For an alternative, shortening or lard can be used. They have a higher melting point, which can make for an even flakier biscuit, though at the expense of flavour.

Buttermilk: Buttermilk is the ingredient that ties it all together. Its acidity reacts with the baking soda, contributing to the rise, and its fats enrich the dough, enhancing flavour and texture.

If buttermilk is not at hand, a mixture of milk with a little lemon juice or vinegar can serve as a stand-in, though the subtle tang and richness unique to buttermilk may be less pronounced.

As I reflect on the symphony of ingredients before me, I’m struck by the alchemy of baking. Each element, with its unique properties, contributes to the creation of something that feels like home – warm, inviting, and deeply satisfying.

Buttermilk biscuits are a reminder that even the simplest ingredients can be transformed into a treat that comforts and delights, testament to the magic that happens in kitchens everywhere.

The Versatility of Buttermilk in Baking

Buttermilk holds a revered place in my kitchen, especially when it comes to baking.

Its unique properties make it an indispensable ingredient, not just in biscuits, but in a range of baked goods. Let me share why buttermilk can be considered a baker’s secret weapon, and how it enhances everything it touches.

Firstly, buttermilk’s acidity is not to be underestimated. It breaks down tough strands of gluten, resulting in baked items that are tender and soft to the bite.

For those who have experienced the dreaded tough scone or a hard pancake, incorporating buttermilk can be the turning point. It’s this very quality that gives the buttermilk biscuit its signature tender crumb.

Moreover, buttermilk reacts with leavening agents like baking soda, creating the lift that is so coveted in cakes, muffins, and of course, biscuits. This interaction is a delicate dance that produces carbon dioxide, giving rise to baked goods that boast an enviable lightness.

What’s also remarkable is buttermilk’s versatility. It can be a stand-in for milk or yogurt, adapting to various recipes with ease. In marinades, it tenderises meats, and in dressings, it imparts a creamy tang. It’s no one-trick pony; it can do it all.

For those seeking dairy-free alternatives, fear not. Acidulated plant-based milks, where a plant milk is mixed with an acid like lemon juice, can mimic buttermilk’s effects quite convincingly. The results can be equally satisfying, ensuring that the joys of buttermilk biscuits and their kin are accessible to all.

Finally, let’s talk about buttermilk in flavour. It carries a subtle tang that adds a new dimension to dishes. In a buttermilk biscuit, it complements the buttery notes and elevates the overall flavour profile, ensuring that each bite is as comforting as it is delicious.

Perfecting the Art of Flaky Buttermilk Biscuits

Achieving the perfect flakiness in a buttermilk biscuit is akin to an art form, one that requires precision and understanding of how ingredients interact with each other. Let me walk you through how to master this artistry in your own kitchen.

It all starts with cold, unsalted butter. This is the cornerstone of flaky layers. When placed in the oven, the cold fat creates steam as it melts, separating the dough into multiple layers, resulting in that desired flakiness. The temperature of the butter is critical – it should be cold enough to resist melting during the mixing and rolling process.

The technique of cutting the butter into the flour also plays a pivotal role. It’s not just about combining them; it’s about creating tiny pockets of fat coated with flour.

This can be achieved by using a pastry cutter or even just your fingertips. The goal is to have a breadcrumb-like texture before adding the buttermilk.

Rolling and folding the dough is the next step where the magic happens. Much like laminating dough in pastry making, gently folding and rolling the dough several times creates multiple thin layers of butter and dough. This technique is essential for the biscuit’s layered texture.

Oven temperature is another factor that cannot be overlooked. A high heat is crucial to get the butter to steam quickly, puffing up the dough before it has a chance to melt out. This sudden blast of heat sets the layers, capturing them in the baked dough.

Lastly, it’s the handling of the dough. Overworking it can result in the butter warming up and the gluten in the flour developing too much, which can lead to hard biscuits. The dough should be treated with a light touch, ensuring minimal handling for optimum results.

Embracing these tips will bring you closer to baking biscuits that are not just a treat for the palate but a delight for the eyes as well. Each flaky layer, a testament to the care and technique that went into creating them.

Crafting the Ideal Dough Consistency for Buttermilk Biscuits

Mastering the dough is the cornerstone of exquisite buttermilk biscuits. It’s not merely about mixing ingredients; it’s about gauging the consistency and understanding the tactile language of the dough. Every pat and fold communicates something about the potential outcome.

It begins with the blend of dry ingredients. Ensuring that the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt are evenly distributed sets the foundation. This uniformity prevents any risk of a chemical taste or uneven rise, which can compromise the biscuit’s texture.

When the cold butter enters the scene, it’s the method of incorporation that can make or break the biscuit. If the butter is too warm or overworked, the dough may become greasy, leading to heavy, dense biscuits. The goal is a crumbly texture, where pea-sized pieces of butter are still visible.

The moment of truth arrives with the addition of buttermilk. The dough should be mixed until it just comes together. It should be tacky, but not overly sticky, and it should definitely not be smooth like bread dough. The lumps and bumps are where the flakiness will develop.

Turning the dough onto a floured surface should be done with care. The dough must not be over-kneaded; it’s not bread, after all. A gentle kneading will suffice, just enough to bring it together. This will ensure the dough retains its lightness, ready to puff into layers upon layers in the oven.

Rolling out the dough, then, should be a delicate affair. Pressing too hard or too much can result in a tough biscuit. A gentle touch allows for a height that will translate into flaky, soft biscuits after baking.

Achieving the right dough consistency is not just about following steps; it’s about engaging with the dough, learning its feel, and understanding how it responds to touch. This knowledge is what leads to buttermilk biscuits that are a joy to savour.

The Harmony of Flavours in Buttermilk Biscuits

In crafting buttermilk biscuits, the harmony of flavours is paramount. Each ingredient is a note in a symphonic composition, creating a melody of tastes that resonate with comforting familiarity, yet surprise with subtle complexity.

The all-purpose flour provides the canvas, a neutral base where all other flavours can manifest. It’s the structure and substance of the biscuit, yet on its own, it’s understated, awaiting the enhancement from its fellow ingredients.

Butter is the next note, rich and indulgent. It brings a velvety depth that flour alone cannot achieve. The choice of unsalted butter is deliberate, allowing for precise seasoning. The butter’s quality can change the biscuit’s flavour profile significantly, with higher-fat content leading to a richer taste.

Salt, often underestimated, is crucial. It’s the enhancer, the ingredient that elevates the butter’s richness and the tang of buttermilk. The right amount turns a bland biscuit into a savoury delight, making it crucial to strike the right balance.

Baking powder and baking soda are not just about rise and texture. They too contribute to the final taste. Baking powder can add a subtle complexity, while baking soda’s interaction with buttermilk brings out a slight tanginess, a characteristic charm of these biscuits.

The star, buttermilk, with its tart, creamy profile, marries the richness of butter with the neutral flour, creating a flavour that’s unique. It’s the ingredient that makes a biscuit distinctly a buttermilk biscuit, a taste that’s refreshingly tangy yet comforting.

Navigating the Biscuit Browning Conundrum

The golden-brown hue of a buttermilk biscuit isn’t merely a visual pleasure; it’s a clue to the rich flavours developed during the baking process. Achieving that perfect browning is a dance with time and temperature, a skill that I’ve honed with care and attention.

My oven preheats to a precise 220°C. At this high temperature, the outer layer of the biscuits begins to caramelize quickly, giving them a desirable golden crust.

However, this isn’t a set-and-forget situation. Too long in the oven and the biscuits can become more akin to hockey pucks than the tender morsels I aim for.

I keep a vigilant eye during the last few minutes of baking, looking for the moment the edges start to take on that coveted amber tone. This is usually an indicator that the interior has transformed into a soft, layered haven, ready to melt in the mouth. Any hesitation, any distraction, can be the fine line between perfection and disappointment.

The choice of baking tray and parchment also plays a role. A heavy tray tends to distribute heat more evenly, while the parchment not only prevents sticking but also reflects heat differently than a greased tray would, contributing to an even browning.

Upon removing the biscuits from the oven, I let them rest. This brief period allows for the carryover cooking to complete its course gently, finishing off the interior without risking the outer crust becoming too dark or hard.

This attention to detail in browning is not just for aesthetics. It’s a signature of my dedication to creating a biscuit that’s a feast for the senses – one that’s as delightful to behold as it is to savour.

Embracing Butter in Biscuit Dough

Butter is not just an ingredient in my biscuit dough; it’s a source of texture and flavour that demands respect and understanding. I’ve come to learn that the temperature of butter is crucial to creating a texture that’s at once flaky and tender.

I keep the butter chilled, and when I say chilled, I mean practically frigid. As I dice it into small cubes, I’m mindful to work quickly, to avoid the warmth of my hands imparting any heat. These cubes become the pockets of fat that, when melted in the oven, release steam and create those coveted layers.

The process of working the butter into the flour is almost meditative. My fingertips delicately coax the butter into the dry mix, turning it into a breadcrumb-like texture.

This is where intuition comes into play. The size of the butter pieces within the dough will dictate the biscuit’s flakiness – too small and the biscuit becomes dense; too large and the layers become uneven.

Sometimes, I’ll substitute a portion of the butter with shortening for an even flakier texture. The shortening melts at a higher temperature, which can create more pronounced layers. But it’s a balance, as the rich flavour of butter is irreplaceable.

Rolling out the dough, the specks of butter are still visible – a promise of the flakiness to come. Each fold and turn is a step towards layering, an action that encourages the butter to do its magic in the oven, to rise into the light, airy texture that makes my biscuits a treat to bite into.

The relationship with butter in the dough is symbiotic, a blend of science and art. With each batch, I learn a little more about this crucial ingredient, and in turn, it lends its character to the biscuits, ensuring they’re not just baked goods, but experiences to be remembered.

The Role of Buttermilk in Biscuit Texture

The use of buttermilk in biscuits is a practice I have refined over countless baking sessions. This tangy liquid is the backbone of moisture in the biscuit dough, a silent worker that interacts with other ingredients to produce a supple and tender crumb.

It’s fascinating to witness how buttermilk, with its acidic properties, tenderises the gluten strands in the flour, ensuring the biscuits maintain a delicate texture.

As you mix buttermilk into the dry ingredients, the reaction is almost immediate. The acidity subtly breaks down the tough proteins, imparting a tenderness that water alone could never achieve.

This is not to overlook its role in leavening; the reaction between buttermilk’s acid and the baking soda produces carbon dioxide, which gives rise to the dough. It’s this reaction that contributes to the biscuits’ slight lift and distinctive texture.

While buttermilk is my go-to, I’m aware that not everyone may have it at the ready. In such cases, a mixture of milk and lemon juice or vinegar can serve as a makeshift buttermilk.

This blend mimics the acidic properties of buttermilk, ensuring that even in its absence, one can still achieve that characteristic tenderness.

Despite its importance, I remain judicious with the amount of buttermilk I use. Too much, and the dough becomes too wet to handle; too little, and the biscuits lose their moistness.

It’s all about finding that perfect balance where the dough just comes together, still slightly sticky to the touch, promising to bake into biscuits that are rich and satisfying.

Exploring Flour’s Role in Buttermilk Biscuit Recipes

Flour is the foundation of any biscuit recipe, a truth I’ve come to appreciate with every sift and stir. Its quality and type are pivotal in dictating the biscuit’s structure and final texture.

I opt for all-purpose flour for its reliability and balanced protein content, which is conducive to creating the soft yet stable form I desire in a biscuit.

Working with flour, I’ve learnt the importance of the mixing technique. Overworking the dough can activate the gluten too much, leading to biscuits that are chewy rather than flaky.

A gentle hand is essential, mixing just until the ingredients are combined. The goal is to keep the gluten development to a minimum while ensuring the dough is hom*ogeneous.

For those who may not have access to all-purpose flour or are seeking a healthier alternative, whole wheat flour can be a suitable substitute. It imparts a nuttier flavour and a heartier texture, though I tend to blend it with all-purpose flour to keep the biscuits from becoming too dense.

The process of rolling and cutting out the biscuits from the flour-based dough is as critical as the ingredients themselves. A light dusting of flour on the surface prevents sticking without incorporating too much additional flour into the dough.

I handle the dough with care, preserving the delicate layers that I’ve carefully folded in.

Crafting the Perfect Buttermilk Biscuit Shape

When I tackle the art of biscuit making, the shaping of the dough always comes with a sense of tradition and technique. It’s a step that requires a deft touch and a keen eye for detail.

The perfect buttermilk biscuit isn’t just about taste; its shape and size play a crucial role in its texture and mouthfeel. I prefer using a round cutter, which provides a consistent shape that’s not only visually appealing but also ensures uniform baking.

Each press of the cutter into the dough should be as precise as a measured step, clean and swift, to avoid sealing the edges. This attention to detail facilitates the rise of each biscuit, allowing for the flaky layers to expand upward rather than being compressed.

I’ve found that a sharp cutter is the tool of choice, yielding neat edges and reducing dough drag.

While a glass or a knife might serve as alternatives to a biscuit cutter, they can sometimes compress the dough’s edges, inhibiting a proper rise.

However, if one uses a sharp enough tool, even these substitutes can suffice. The key lies in the execution — a firm, unhesitant cut that respects the integrity of the dough.

Once shaped, arranging the biscuits on the tray warrants its own share of attention. I place them close enough to support each other as they rise, yet not too close to merge during baking. This proximity encourages the biscuits to climb skywards, resulting in a desirable vertical lift and a tender, flaky interior.

The Subtle Science of Baking Times and Temperatures

Baking buttermilk biscuits is a practice that’s akin to a science, where precision can make or break the outcome.

The oven temperature and baking time are not just numbers but are the very factors that can transform dough into golden, flaky perfection. I preheat my oven to a high temperature, ensuring that as soon as the biscuits enter, the heat works its magic, giving the leavening agents the boost they need to rise.

The duration in the oven is equally critical — too long, and the biscuits take on more colour than desirable, becoming hard; too short, and they remain doughy and undercooked.

I’ve found that between 12 to 15 minutes is the sweet spot, watching carefully as they turn a delightful shade of golden brown. It’s this colour that whispers to me, telling tales of readiness.

In the realm of baking biscuits, not all ovens are created equal. A fan oven may require a lower temperature to achieve the same results as a conventional one.

This knowledge comes with experience, and understanding your oven’s idiosyncrasies is paramount. It’s a dance of sorts, adjusting temperatures and times to find that perfect balance.

The moment the biscuits are ready to come out of the oven is a triumphant one. They need a brief rest, a few minutes out of the heat to settle into their final texture.

This pause is as vital as the baking itself — a time for flavours to meld, and for the biscuits to develop the irresistible combination of a crisp exterior and a soft, airy interior.

Check Out These Other Recipes

If you thought my buttermilk biscuits were a morning game-changer, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet! Trust me when I say your breakfast table’s about to get a whole lot more exciting.

First off, let’s talk about my Egg Sandwich recipe. Imagine it: freshly baked buttermilk biscuits sliced open and filled with fluffy eggs, sharp cheddar, and a smear of spicy mayo. The texture combo is to die for, and it’s the perfect way to jazz up your biscuit game!

Now, I know you’re all about those warm, comforting flavours in the morning. So you’ll want to try my American Pancakes next.

Light, fluffy, and just begging to be drowned in maple syrup, these pancakes are what breakfast dreams are made of. And yes, you can serve ’em up with some biscuit on the side because, well, why the heck not?

Moving on, have you ever had a Paratha? Think of it as the buttermilk biscuit’s exotic cousin from the East. Flaky, buttery, and unbelievably good, especially when you dunk it in some homemade chutney. Your taste buds will be throwing a party, I promise.

But let’s not forget about those Cinnamon Rolls, because, darling, they’re not just any cinnamon rolls; they’re THE cinnamon rolls. Soft, gooey, and practically dripping with a cream cheese glaze, they’re like a sweet hug for your soul.

Imagine pairing them with your freshly baked buttermilk biscuits and you’ve got yourself a table full of joy.

Last but not least, get your forks ready for some Cherry Cobbler. Yes, I said cobbler, as in that heavenly blend of sweet, tart cherries and a crumbly, biscuity top. It’s the kind of thing that makes you close your eyes and thank the universe for taste buds.

So there you have it, five must-try recipes that’ll elevate your breakfast game to whole new levels. Don’t forget to leave a comment if you try any of these—I’d love to hear what you think!

Buttermilk Biscuits Recipe (1)

Buttermilk Biscuits

by Nabeela Kauser

Explore the art of baking buttermilk biscuits, perfecting the balance of flaky texture with rich, buttery taste. Dive into a classic that transforms simple ingredients into a delightful treat.

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Prep Time 10 minutes mins

Cook Time 15 minutes mins

Total Time 25 minutes mins

Course Baking, Breakfast

Cuisine American, Western

Servings 10

Calories 144 kcal


  • 250 g All Purpose Flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
  • 1/2 tsp Baking Soda
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 60 g Butter Unsalted, cold and diced
  • 150 ml Buttermilk


  • Preheat your oven to 220°C (200°C fan) and line a baking tray with parchment paper.

  • In a mixing bowl, combine the all-purpose flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.

  • Add the cold, diced butter to the dry ingredients and rub it in with your fingertips until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.

  • Pour in the buttermilk and stir until just combined. Be careful not to overmix; the dough should be slightly sticky.

  • Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and gently knead it a few times until it comes together.

  • Roll the dough out to a thickness of about 2cm and use a round cutter to cut out biscuits.

  • Place the biscuits on the prepared baking tray and bake in the preheated oven for 12-15 minutes, or until they are golden brown and cooked through.

  • Remove from the oven and let them cool for a few minutes before serving.


Nutritional facts:

The provision of nutritional information is done so merely as a courtesy and should not be taken as a guarantee.


Calories: 144kcalCarbohydrates: 20gProtein: 3gFat: 6gSaturated Fat: 3gTrans Fat: 0.2gCholesterol: 15mgSodium: 290mgPotassium: 49mgFibre: 1gSugar: 1gVitamin A: 175IUVitamin D: 0.2µgCalcium: 58mgIron: 1mg

Keyword Baked, Biscuits, Buttermilk, Food, Homemade, Recipe

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Buttermilk Biscuits Recipe (2024)


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