Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (2024)

Temple at Senntisten, The


Ali the Wise points you into the direction of his friend, Dr. Nabanik. He has a quest for you, that involve the Mahjarrat. Do you think you are up to the task of trying to restore a mysterious temple underneath the Digsite?



Quest Requirements:

Curse of Arrav, The
Desert Treasure
Devious Minds

Skill/Other Requirements:

50 Prayer
125 Kudos with the Varrock Museum
Ability to kill a level 150 monsters.

Quests Unlocked/Partially Unlocked by completing this Quest:

Light Within, The
Ritual of the Mahjarrat

Items Needed at Quest Start:


Items Needed to Complete Quest:

Law runes, and Air runes

Items Recommended for Quest:

Enchanted water tiara or Waterskins, 200 Coins or 400 Coins (if you pay 200 Coins for carpet rides), Ring of charos (a), Knife (Can be in tool belt), Antifire and Anti-dragon shield or Dragonfire shield, Prayer potions, good food, armor, and weapon.

Items Acquired During Quest:

Digsite pendant, Restoration certificate, Rope, Ruined backpack, Battered letter, Heat globe, Imperfect heat globe, 40 Law runes, 300 Air runes, Hammer, Frostenhorn, Barrows Icon, and Relic.

Quest Points:



One 23K XP lamp, two 20K Combat XP lamps, 10K Prayer XP, Access to Senntisten Temple's altar, Access to ancient curses, and 2 free keys for Treasure Hunter.

Start Point:

Northeast of the Rug merchant in Nardah.

To Start:


  1. Speak to Ali the Wise in Nardah. He asks you about the Mahjarrats and what you think of them. He asks you to go to the Digsite Exam Centre to see his contact, Dr. Nabanik. Ask him for help to get at the Digsite Centre and he will give you a Digsite pendant (or Ali's pendant).

    Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (1)

  2. Rub the pendant, and once you arrive there, walk south then east to reach the Digsite Centre. Talk to Dr. Nabanik located outside the Exam Centre and he will reveal that he is Azzanadra in disguise. He tells you that he wants a Restoration certificate from you.

    Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (2)

  3. Go inside the Exam Centre and talk to the Terry Balando. Tell him that Dr. Nabanik was in the pyramid a long time and that you have seen the beetles and that they are huge. Then tell him he studies immortality. When he asks for his personal background, say he has interests in the desert religions. If you said the correct things, he will give a Restoration certificate.

    Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (3)

  4. Give the Restoration certificate to Dr. Nabanik. He asks you to meet him outside the temple under the Digsite. Dr. Nabanik gives you a Rope for this. Use the rope on the winch in the northwestern part of the digsite to go down. Once down head south and you will now see Azzanadra instead of Dr. Nabanik. He has two more dangerous jobs for you, one in Morytania and one in the far north.

    Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (4)

  5. As you discuss the jobs, Azzanadra hands you a Ruined backpack from one of his men. Open the Ruined backpack and you'll receive a Battered letter and a Heat globe.
  6. Talk to Azzanadra about the Battered letter and tell him that the contact was out of runes. Azzandra's colleague had only taken combat runes to the frozen fortress, but discovered that it was necessary to move globes without touching them. This means you will need Law runes and Air runes for the Telegrab spell.
  7. Job at North (Fortress west of Frozen Waste Plateau in the Wilderness)

    Option: (Players can get up to the frozen fortress by using a boat from the Trollweis Hunter area. This prevents having to ever go into the wilderness. Fairy ring D-K-S is just to the south-east of the Trollweis Hunter area.)

    Note: For this step and other steps, do NOT forget your Anti-dragon shield and/or your Antifire potion. Also, do NOT forget your Telekinetic grab runes (Law runes and Air runes; Level 33 Magic)

    Head over to the Frozen Waste Plateau, in the northwestern part of the Wilderness. If you have completed The Tale of the Muspah quest, then the fortress can be accessed safely by using the canoe, on the west coast of the trollweiss hunter area, to travel to the dungeon entrance to the north. From there head east to the fortress.

    Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (5)

    Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (6)

  8. Put the Heat globe on the pedestal, and squeeze past the ice. Run to the south wall and into the fortress, past the Metal dragons.

    Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (7)

    Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (8)

  9. Due to snow blockage preventing access to the east stairs directly and snow blockage on the upper floor of the fortress, you have to climb the western stairs, run east to the eastern stairs and go back down. Just past the door on the eastern wall on the floor level is a damaged wall.

    Scale the damaged wall in order to get to the other side of the snow blockage on the second floor. Run past the smashed Globe holder to the north western corner and climb down the smashed ramparts and then enter the trap door.

    Note: If you log out while you are in the dungeon, you can continue from where you were. You will be given two options if you try to enter the trapdoor again. If you did not bring a Hammer, then climb down the trapdoor and loot the crate south of the Pedestal.

    Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (9)

    Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (10)

    Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (11)

  10. Start by taking a Heat globe globe from the pedestal located east of you (#1). Run west and place the globe on the pedestal west of the stairs (#2), which will melt the ice block. A waterfiend will appear, however you do not have to kill it if you can get away with out being attacked. Run west into the next room past where the ice block was, then telegrab your globe (from #2).

    Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (12)

  11. Now use your globe on the nearby pedestal (#3). Another waterfiend will appear, as well as a trapdoor. Go down the trapdoor.

    Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (13)

  12. Head south and pick up another Heat globe (#4). If you wish, you can loot the crate near the southern waterfiend for 40 Law runes.
  13. Place the Heat globe on the pedestal to the north(#5) and two more ice blocks will melt. Afterwards, head east to the radiant pedestal(#6).
  14. Remove the globe from the pedestal (#6), only this time you will get an Imperfect heat globe.
  15. Retrace your steps and go back out of the dungeon. Scale the Smashed Ramparts and head east to the smashed pedestal. Insert the globe into the smashed pedestal holder on the floor. Then push it down the hole and it will fall into the cavern, melting some ice for you. Run back down and re-enter the trapdoor.

    Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (14)

  16. Climb back down the trapdoor to the west, then run back to the place where you got the Imperfect heat globe (#6). Continue south then west and you'll see another Heat globe(#7). Take this globe.
  17. Use the Heat globe with the pipe(#8) in the nook to the east. The globe will get stuck, so use your Hammer with the pipe to hit the globe through (Or right click and choose "whack" to use the hammer on your toolbelt), causing the ice block to melt as the globe lands on the pedestal. Run through and go up the ladder.

    Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (15)

  18. Now run far west and you will meet an Ice demon, which you will have to kill (Use Protect from magic). It will drop the Frostenhorn. Once you have it teleport out and get ready for your next task.

    Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (16)

  19. Job at Morytania

    Prepare you inventory and armor for a Barrows run (If you are not sure what to take, have a look at our Barrows guide). The Barrows are located in the southeast of Morytania, just east of Mort'ton.

  20. For this job, you will have to enter each crypt and kill 5 of the 6 brothers. The 6th one will be in the tunnel.

    Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (17)

  21. Find your way to the middle of the tunnel system. Solve the puzzle and attempt to open the Chest. If you have not encountered the last brother yet, you will once you open the Chest. Open up the Chest to claim your normal Barrows reward plus the Barrows icon. Take this back to Azzanadra along with the Frostenhorn.

    Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (18)

  22. Teleport back to the Digsite with the Digsite pendant and speak to Azzanadra. Azzanadra will ask you to retrieve the final item from someone just outside the winch. Head out of the cave and talk to the Assassin. Take the Relic from him.

    Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (19)

  23. Return back to Azzanadra. A cutscene will occur where Azzanadra contacts Zaros and mysterious occurrences take place around the world. Speak to Azzanadra again to claim your reward.

    Congratulations! Quest Complete!

    Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (20)

New Prayers:

After the quest, you will have access to the new Prayers, below you will find a table listing all of them and their effects. To activate the Prayers, return back to Azzanadra, near him you will find an Altar of Zaros. Pray and you will have two options asking if you want to active Curses or not. The altar will also grant you a 15% boost over your Prayer level.

LevelImagePrayer NameMember's OnlyPrayer Effect
50Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (21)Protect ItemYesKeeps 1 extra item if you die.
50Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (22)Sap WarriorYesDrains 10% of enemy Attack, Strength and Defence, increasing to 20% overtime.
52Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (23)Sap RangerYesDrains 10% of enemy Ranged and Defence, increasing to 20% over time.
53Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (24)Sap Range StrengthYesDrains 10% of enemy Ranged strength, increasing to 20% over time.
54Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (25)Sap MageYesDrains 10% of enemy Magic and Defence, increasing to 20% over time.
55Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (26)Sap Magic StrengthYesDrains 10% of enemy Magic strength, increasing to 20% over time.
56Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (27)Sap SpiritYesDrains enemy adrenaline.
57Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (28)Sap DefenceYesDrains 10% of enemy Defence rating, increasing to 20% over time.
58Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (29)Sap StengthYesDrains 10% of enemy Melee strength, increasing to 20% over time.
59Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (30)BerserkerYesBoosted stats last 15% longer.
62Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (31)Deflect SummoningYesReduces damage dealt from Summoning scrolls, prevents the use of a familiar's special attack, and can deflect some of the damage back to the attacker.
65Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (32)Deflect MagicYesReduces damage dealt from magical attacks and can deflect some of the damage.
68Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (33)Deflect MissilesYesReduces damage dealt from ranged attacks and can deflect some of the damage.
71Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (34)Deflect MeleeYesReduces damage dealt from melee attacks and can deflect some of the damage.
74Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (35)Leech AttackYesBoosts Attack by 5%, increasing to 10% overtime, while draining enemy Attack by 10%, increasing to 25% over time.
76Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (36)Leech RangedYesBoosts Ranged by 5%, increasing to 10% overtime, while draining enemy Ranged by 10%, increasing to 25% over time.
77Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (37)Leech Range StrengthYesBoosts Ranged strength by 5%, increasing to 10% overtime, while draining enemy Ranged strength by 10%, increasing to 25% over time.
78Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (38)Leech MagicYesBoosts Magic by 5%, increasing to 10% overtime, while draining enemy Magic by 10%, increasing to 25% over time.
79Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (39)Leech Magic StrengthYesBoosts Magic strength by 5%, increasing to 10% overtime, while draining enemy Magic strength by 10%, increasing to 25% over time.
80Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (40)Leech DefenceYesBoosts Defence by 5%, increasing to 10% overtime, while draining enemy Defence by 10%, increasing to 25% over time.
82Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (41)Leech StrengthYesBoosts Strength by 5%, increasing to 10% over time, while draining enemy Strength by 10%, increasing to 25% over time.
84Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (42)Leech EnergyYesDrains enemy run energy by up to 10%, while increasing your own.
86Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (43)Leech AdrenalineYesDrains enemy adrenaline by up to 10%, while increasing your own.
89Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (44)WrathYesInflicts damage up to 25% of your maximum prayer level to nearby targets if you die.
92Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (45)Soul SplitYes1/50 of damage dealt is also removed from opponent's Prayer and added to your health up to 250.
95Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (46)TurmoilYesIncreases Attack and Defence by 15%, plus 15% of your enemy's Attack/Defence (up to 14 levels), and Strength by 23%, plus 10% of your enemy's Strength (up to 9 levels).
95Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (47)TormentYesIncreases Magic Attack, Magic Strength, and Magic Defence by 15%, plus 15% of your enemy's Magic Attack/Magic Strength/Magic Defence (up to 14 levels), while draining your enemies Magic Attack, Magic Strength, and Magic Defence by 23%, plus 10% of your enemy's Magic Attack/Magic Strength/Magic Defence (up to 9 levels).
95Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (48)Anguish YesIncreases Ranged Attack, Ranged Strength, and Ranged Defence by 15%, plus 15% of your enemy's Ranged Attack/Ranged Strength/Ranged Defence (up to 14 levels), while draining your enemies Ranged Attack, Ranged Strength, and Ranged Defence by 23%, plus 10% of your enemy's Ranged Attack/Ranged Strength/Ranged Defence (up to 9 levels).

This Quest Guide was written by Heavens Vibe and senug5. Thanks to Superior kel, Ralkal, dragoon889, Eragon7985, Egekalaycan, Im4eversmart, Clamball, Sandman366, Rose Evil, 2003 Veteran,HEROIC NIKKI, Ksb Single, and Numerous One. for corrections.
This Quest Guide was entered into the database on Fri, Dec 04, 2009, at 02:40:02 AM by Scott, and it was last updated on Tue, Jul 03, 2018, at 02:55:19 AM by Ksb Single.

If anything is incorrect or missing, or if you have any new information to submit to this database, please submit it to us on our Content Submissions Forums.

If you see this guide on any other site, please report it to us so we can take legal action against anyone found stealing our content. This guide is copyrighted by RuneHQ, and its use on other sites is expressly forbidden. Do not ask if you can use our guides or images, the answer is and always will be NO!

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Temple at Senntisten, The - RuneScape Guide (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.